woensdag 10 oktober 2012

The Future is Here! Part 2: Real Imaginations

I'm currently in my final year of High School, which means I have to decide what I'm going to do with my life.  It's not imagining any more. It's choosing which one of my imaginations is going to become true. I think that's the reason why the future frightens me.

At the beginning of this year I was so sick of going to school. I wanted to go away, travel... *starts singing* discover worlds so far and near! (Sorry, I just had to make the Starkid reference ;)) I wanted to do anything but go to school, and I wasn't even thinking of studying. Now, I still want to travel and discover worlds, but I'm not so sure any more about the not-studying part. Actually, I'm not sure about anything right now.

There are a few things on my list that I'd like to do, but I can't decide which I'm going to choose. (*sings* I can't decide whether you should live or die (Okay, I don't know what just happened, it's getting too late for my brain to work properly)) I've already reduced the list to two things (Well, sort of);

 - I work for a year, starting with three or four months on a horse farm in Ireland. (It took me quite some time to choose this. I started with the ideas of backpacking in Australia and working with wildlife in Africa, but I had to scrap those because of reasons (most important one; money)). I come back in December, spending the holidays with my family before starting a job in a bigger city than Gouda. Maybe in a cinema or a bookshop or something like that.
- I start studying either Film-making (either screen-writing or directing), Writing or Audiovisual Media.

I'm going to try to go to the open days of the AHK (Film-making), the HKU (Audiovisual Media) and ArtEZ (writing), but they're all on Saturdays so I'll have to organize it with work. If I really like one of the studies and decide I'd like to do it, I think I'm just gonna try to get in. The procedures to get in are very hard, so the chance that I won't get in is very big. If I don't get in, I just go to Ireland. 

I still like my imagination of the future I talked about in The Future is Here! and it can still become real, but maybe in a different way. Maybe I'll write a screenplay instead of a book, or I'll make documentaries about the trips I make in between writing. I'm just gonna have to figure out which imagination I like best.

But first I'm going back to the world inside my head. Goodnight! 

Oh, one more question before I go: Which one of your imaginations did you choose or are you still imagining? 

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