woensdag 26 januari 2011

Shopaholic, Music and Taylor Swift

Remember last times blog, when I told about my belated b-day present? Well, a day after I wrote that, I got another belated birthday present. After Taylor Swifts cd Speak Now I also got Big Time Rush' cd BTR. If you know me a little bit more, because you read my blog or because you now me personal, you can probably imagine how happy I was!

Mood = Happy

I just got home from a little shopping trip after school. If you don't know me by now, shopping is for me... well, let's say I'm a little shopaholic. =)

I didn't bought much this time, actualy. I bought 5 blanc t-shirts and some t-shirt markers, so me and some friends can make our own shirts for Taylor Swifts concert. I also bought shoes, but that's it. I saw some more things I wanted to buy, but I could resist them. =P And next to that, I ordered a few things at the H&M yesterday, and a What The Hell t-shirt from AbbeyDawn.com

Remember last week's lyrics from the lyric game? It was a little bit of Hilary Duffs I Am, the first song in the I Am playlist. Did you make the right guess?

Here are the lyrics for this time:
Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
Have a guess? Let me know by replying this blog.

Now Playing = Taylor Swift - Back To December

The year 2011 is just 26 days old, but I already became a (bigger) fan of a few artist, and I also discoverd some artists. How more I listen to Rihanna and Kelly Clarkson, how more I become a fan of both artists. I'm also loving songs by Fefe Dobson. I heard 'Rockstar' on the first Hellcats episode, and I was curious to her other songs. I haven't heard a lot, but one thing's sure; Fefe Dobson is amazing. Listen to this one > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmb8_KsrNSQ Yeah, I know you're stuttering right now! Amazing, right?

Another new, great and awesome singer is the Britisch Zarif. She's amazing and makes really catchy songs. Check this one out, featuring Mz. Bratt. > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYhIgT8YIrk Open up your box of secrets, take one out for me. I'm sure it says you liked this song.

Just wondering, are you a Taylor Swift fan? So yes, are you Dutch and are you going to Taylor's concert in Ahoy Rotterdam at March 7? One of my friends had an amazing idea. Here it is:

"I think everybody knows the MV of You Belong With Me, wherein Taylor a band camp t-shirt wears. Now I thought: Maybe we can make something like that. We can write a message at the front and back of a white t-shirt, draw the dutch flag on the sleeves/ends, and let all (or at least much) dutch fans write a little message/their names/a thank you/something on it. In the end you'll get a t-shirt full of messages from fans, just like the shirt of band camp in YBWM. What do you think?"

Next to this t-shirt idea, my friend also want to ask you to wear a purple ribbon to the concert. Wouldn't it be awesome if everybody puts their hands up and Taylor sees all these purlple ribbons?

So, are you going to the concert and do you wanna be into this project? Give me a reply at this blog, or send me a tweet via @BlahBecky94 or send my friend a tweet via @Piecesof15. Also, don't forget to reblog this. And let other fans know about this! This can become a very cool 'Welcome in Holland, we love you!' present!

Well, that's it for today. Make sure you check out Fefe Dobson and Zarif and let me or my friend @Piecesof15 know if you wanna be in into the Taylor Swift present project.

And don't forget to listen to the song of the day. It's the new Taylor Swift music video of Back to December.

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