dinsdag 5 april 2011

Blogs, Tshirts, SBNN and Bullying

Hey guys, what's happenin'?

You've probably noticed I haven't written a blog here for a little while. That was mostly because of school, and sometimes because I was busy with other things, like my other blog called http://newfoundmusic.blogspot.com/ You should check it out, it's really cool. It's about music, music and, of course, music. I'm writing about artists, new videos/albums/singles, covers of songs etc. And if you're checking that one out, you should check this one out too: http://forbidden-roses.blogspot.com/ It's a really cool blog from a friend of mine. She has some more blogs, but you can find links there.

Mood = Cheerful

So, in my last blog I wrote about the Taylor Swift concert and the t-shirts we were going to make for it. Just so you know, the concert was AMAZING, Taylor is really talented. You can find more about the concert right here: NFM.blogspot.com/Taylor-Swift-concert I actually wanted to post a picture of our shirts, but I can't find one right now, so I'll post it later. (And I promise, I will post it.) 

After I made that Taylor Swift t-shirt, I wanted to make another one, and another one, and another one. (Yes, I like making my own t-shirts) So I made this one ->

I made the shirt to support Straight But Not Narrow, an campaign started by Avan Jogia. The campaign supports LGBT teens and is trying to change negative thoughts about being gay from straight teens into positive thoughts (for more information, go to http://wearesbnn.com/). I think it's a really good campaign and I totally agree with them: "Straight, gay, and everything in between... Why does it matter?" 

I wore this shirt to school, and I got some really cool messages about the message (and also about the design :P). There were also some people who said mean things and called me a lesbian, but that made my point only stronger. I mean, seriously, would it matter if I was? 

Just so you know, if people say mean things to/about me, I don't really care. I'm not the most beautiful girl in the world, but I love the way I am and that's what counts. I only care about the things my friends say, because they only want the best for me, because they are true friends. So if you're a mean person who's thinking about cyber bullying me, go ahead, I don't care. I'll only think you're pathetic and sad, and I might feel sorry for you because you pretend that way. And for the people who have ever bullied me, try to look in the mirror and find the real you, because you are just hiding behind a mean b*tchy character because you are actually insecure yourself. But, fyi, bullying doesn't make you anything better, it will only make you look worse.

I also wanna say this, to everyone who'll ever read this: You are beautiful, no mather what people say. If you are being bullied, talk about it and search for help, and ignore all the mean things. Go stand in front of your mirror and say: "I am beautiful, I am smart, I am amazing, I am wonderful." Say it every day, every time you stand there, and believe it, because it's true. And, I probably don't know you, but I do believe in you. Because you're worth it. <3

Well, I'm almost done for today. Did I forget something? Yes, the lyric game. This were the lyrics from last time:
Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain

And the good answer was *drumroll* Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift!

And here are the lyrics for this time:
I don't wanna be afraid 
I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today
And know that I'm okay
Cause everyone's perfect in their usual way
So you see
I just wanna believe in me

I really love this song, because it says so much. I hope you will try to find the song and artist from this song, because it really means so much.

I'll give you one little hint for this one, and that is:
"Stay strong"

Ok, last thing, I put some new songs in the I Am list, and they are:
Hairspray Cast - You Can't Stop The Beat
Eliza Doolittle - Nobody (What's wrong with being a nobody?)

Ke$ha - We R Who We R (You know we're superstars)
Lady Gaga - Born This Way 
Selena Gomez - Who Says (Who says you're not perfect?)
Demi Lovato - Believe in Me

Well, that's it for today. Talk to you later and don't forget, you are beautiful <3

Now Playing/Song of The Day = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D31Gzfe2yL0 < Promise me to listen to the whole song, even if you don't like the singer. Because the lyrics are beautiful, believe me. :)